Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

I have been getting ready mentally for my oldest child to graduate from High School the past 6 months or so. It occurred to me that in 5 short years, we will be empty nesters. That's a scary thought. I decided that it was time for me to start developing my own interests in preparation for that day. I was involved in a theater production in high school. (Annie, no less) It was a lot of fun. Some who know me would think that I am a natural personality for theater. I am an extrovert who has never met a stranger. The same people might be surprised to learn my interest lies behind the scenes not in front of the footlights.
My friend, Monica, is the director for the play. When I expressed an interest in February about possibly joining her Tech Crew, she jumped on the idea. And somehow convinced me that I could run a sound board for her play. With nine wireless body mics, one stage mic and a CD of sound effects. I am going to do it. I must be crazy.
But you knew that.
Tonight was my first rehearsal. The cast has been practicing for weeks. They are awesome. It is going to be a great play. I CAN do this. Vikki and Chris, both seasoned in local theater, helped me set up. Helped might not be the right word as they did ALL of the hook-ups and sound-checks tonight while I watched and took notes. I CAN do this. And it's gonna be a blast! Once we got everyone micced and I started playing with the sound board I really started having fun. It is a great and awesome power that one wields with a sound mixing board at the fingertips.
Four more rehearsals to go before opening night on Wednesday June 8th. Our entire run is a total of fifteen performances. Let's all break legs, but me especially!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Changes. Indeed. Lots of 'em happening around here these days. I have a vague unrefined undercurrent constantly tugging at me these days. It feels soft and unformed yet sharp. Change.
Adam has graduated from high school. He did very well. He lettered in three academic areas. CASA, DECA and theater tech from Hickman High School. It was wonderful to see his efforts recognized. He also received a scholarship that is presented annually by the HHS Class of 1965. I was so proud of him. We didn't realize until the afternoon of graduation that my Uncle Skip was an alumni of the HHS Class of 1965. That made it even more special. It was wonderful watching Adam, his girlfriend, Emily and best friend Joel receive honors, awards and scholarships in the three of four ceremonies that we attended at Hickman.
My heart was full and my blessings were many. What a special group of friends. Adam, Joel, Ty'Rell and Jeremy have been in school together since kindergarten at Benton Elementary. It's been a privilege to watch this group of boys become young men together. I am as proud of each of the other three as I am of my own son. I went to two graduation ceremonies on May 21st. At 11am I watched my firstborn receive his diploma as a third generation Kewpie from Hickman. Joel and Emily also graduated from my alma mater. At 7pm I was able to witness Ty'Rell and Jeremy receive their diplomas from Rock Bridge High School. It has been a special time this spring. I am still trying each day to slow down and enjoy these moments as they pass into adulthood and try to make their own path in the world.
I always said I wanted to be the house where my kids and their friends hung out. I am so glad that it has worked out that way. These post graduation days have brought many extra sleepovers and late game nights as these boys wind down their childhood days together. Soon Joel will be heading off to MSU in Springfield. Emily will be studying at Webster University in STL. Jeremy is moving into a dorm for his freshman year at MU. Ty'Rell and Adam are setting up house in our basement. Both are enrolled at MACC for this fall. I won't be surprised if many of these ties prove to be lifelong. It is so special to watch their bonds strengthen as they cross the threshold from boys to men.
I am relishing and cherishing each and every moment.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kewpies in Space

Finally, a school day! We had weather the first two days of the week that kept the kids home. Normally, no big deal. This week is the mission for Adam's CASA class. In the 16 year history of CASA there has never been a snow day during the actual mission. Til now. Not just one but TWO! This will be the shortest mission yet. Let's hope the rest of the week goes as planned. Check it out online! Adam's job is Public Affairs Officer. He gets to be a media liason. I am very excited about this opportunity for him. My youngest brother was involved in one of the first CASA missions back in the early 90's. Boy, High School sure has changed since I was there! Go Kewpies!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday nights at the Mall

I can't believe I work at a mall. I have never been much of a clothes shopper and do most of my shopping online. Haven't been to Columbia Mall in years. Until I started working there last September. Hilarious. Me. At a Mall. Five days a week. It still gives me the giggles. Mondays are a very slow night at the Mall. *Yawn* But at least I am home by 9:30pm when I close. A far cry from the 1 am (or later!) at McD's. I don't love it but at least I have a job. And no, I don't miss McDonald's. The money, maybe but now I have a life!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Me is who I am

I have thought a lot lately about ME lately. Not in a selfish way but as a challenge in scrapping. I have a tendency to scrap about everyone else in the family including the dog but as I look back I have discovered that I am leaving me out. I am part of this family too. As much as I want to leave a legacy for my heirs to read about I'm not sure they will know me too. I think it's important for all crafters to remember to include yourself in your projects. Yes, I put my touch on my layouts with my own style but I want to put my image there as well. We as women have an inclination to put others first before ourselves. Don't we all do that to some degree or another? What about us? Let's let future generations know who we were, what we looked like and what made us, us. I am trying to do this by smiling when the camera is pointed at me and not turning away. They may not be the best pictures in the world but they are a reflection of me at that moment. It the REAL me. Even if I prefer to look my best in photos the truth is this IS who I really am most of the time. Why wait for perfection? If I wait I may be left behind. It's OK for me to think of me first sometimes. I think my children will be glad that I tried to document my life as well as theirs. They will also know that no one is perfect and it's best to be yourself at all times. What are YOU doing to include yourself?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A few of my Favorite Things

Ok. A little off track from Project 365 but I will be back on that soon. Here is a picture from an event that Paul took Lindsay to a few weeks ago. It was "An Evening with Julie Andrews". A benefit dinner and silent auction where the proceeds went to the Boys and Girls Club of KC. Paul had two tickets. I would have loved to have gone but I offered the chance to Lindsay. She was thrilled to meet the Queen from "The Princess Diaries". She has also seen "Mary Poppins" and The Sound of Music" many times. She called me after dinner to tell me how things were going. She was disappointed that the guest of honor had yet to arrive. She was even a bit more crushed that there would be "no pictures or meeting her. We just get to see her on stage." After I finished with Lindsay I spoke with Paul. He informed me that obviously Lindsay was unaware but that they would be part of an exlusive meet and greet after the show. He told me when they got home that the people who went backstage were lined up and went through one room to wait in another for their turn to meet Julie Andrews. Everyone in line was mostly our age or older. Some younger but all adults. (Keep in mind that tickets to this event sold for $300 each and the meet and greet was not available at all to the public. It was invite only.) Lindsay was the only child in line. When the entered the room where Julie Andrews was, Paul said that she zeroed in on Lindsay. They chatted for a few minutes before lining up for the photo. You can see Lindsay's smile. She was thrilled. While I am sorry I didn't get to go myself, I am so glad that Lindsay had the opportunity. It is something she will never forget.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Shrimp and Basketball

Project 365

Maybe it's the red bowl but this picture doesn't do our dinner justice. We had boiled shrimp with melted butter and cocktail sauce. Yummy! After dinner we retired to the family room to watch the MU/KU basketball game. It was in CoMo so every time the tv panned the crowd we were searching for familiar faces. Tigers struggled throughout the game but managed to pull it together to win. Go Tigers!